The Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections offers professional development for undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology by way of accredited internships. Student internships are generally available in each division of the collections each semester. Students learn the principles of specimen preparation and collection management while assisting in the day to day operations of a world class natural history collection. BRTC internships qualify for course credit (ECCB 489/689), Directed Studies (ECCB 485) and/or Writing Intensive (ECCB 285) through Texas A&M University. Typically, the BRTC requires students to maintain a schedule and complete 140 contact hours (work hours) over the course of the semester. These hours must take place during our normal operating hours, Monday through Friday 8-5. Internships are unpaid. Volunteer positions are also available for students who do not have sufficient time to meet the time commitment of an internship. Interested students should contact the curator in charge of the collection of interest with a short letter of interest and resume.