The Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology at Texas A&M University is renowned for training highly prepared young wildlife professionals, who are well versed in vertebrate taxonomy. One of the pillars of their education takes place at the Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections where students engage in hands-on learning and exploration of vertebrate diversity. Teaching collections of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians, and fishes are maintained by curatorial staff for use in 5 vertebrate labs: Diversity and Evolution of the Vertebrates, Ornithology, Mammalogy, Herpetology, and Ichthyology. During the lab sections, students make use of real specimens and get their hands dirty in the field practicing collection techniques.

Students planning on taking ECCB 302, ECCB 401, ECCB 402, ECCB 311, and/or ECCB 315 should be aware that their labs will be held at the Biodiversity Research and Teaching collections located at 3380 University Drive East, room 128. From main campus it takes approximately 15 minutes to travel and park at the Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections. While there is not University bus service to the facility, parking is free and widely available directly adjacent to the building. Brazos Transit District allows students with a valid Texas A&M ID to ride for free and will drop off at the drive to the facility. Please see BRTCDirections for detailed directions.